Wednesday, March 17, 2010

La Bise

My friend, Doppler Darcy (I’ve given her this nickname because of her love for the weather) will enjoy this blog entry…

Last week we had a strong, cold wind which lasted several days. It was the strangest thing. It felt like a Minnesota winter in Switzerland. I learned that this wind has a special name. It is called la bise (pronounced ‘bees’), which means ‘kiss’ in French. The bise is a unique wind to parts of France and Switzerland. It is a north-east wind that occurs in the winter months. The effects of the bise are strongest in Geneva, which is situated in a narrow passage between the Jura mountains in the West and the Alps in the South. After three days of this bitter cold wind, it was gone just like that. Here are some pictures of what the bise did in 2005.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

I love that you posted this - after I spoke with you last week - I looked this up on the internet - and the main articles were how "la bise is a casualty to the swine flu" - ??? I was thinking the translation had something to do with bees - and all I saw were lots of articles of French peeps kissing :) I love this information - we are just now digging into different weather systems throughout the world - and this is unusual due to it's easterly flow :) I am always enlightened after reading your blog!