Thursday, May 27, 2010

Iris Jardin

Last week Jen and I ventured out to find an iris garden in the small town of Vullierens. As always her little guy, Ben, had to tag along with us. We never know what to expect on these mini-adventures. Often times we get lost as Jen’s sense of direction is as good as mine. I wonder what Ben thinks as he watches us navigate in the front seat with the help of their GPS, who has been fondly nicknamed Eunice. As Jen’s family is in the process of moving home to the US next month, I realize how much I’m going to miss these outings that she so willingly goes on with me.

I know Matt is probably thinking ‘enough with the flower blogs’ but I want to share how pretty the gardens are here in Switzerland.


The Yodeling Elkos said...

Ben and I are going to miss our adventures too! Our driving isn't THAT bad!!!!!

Unknown said...

My current favourite flower and they are glorious where we live too.