Matt wanted me to title this blog entry, “A Waste of an Afternoon” but I thought that was a bit harsh. It really didn’t turn out how we expected. On Sunday afternoon we ventured out to the town of Château-d’Oex for the Hot-Air Balloon Festival. This is an international festival where “pilots from all over the world gather to create bright spots of color in the blue sky with their amazing vehicles.” I took that directly from a tourism website. Doesn’t it sound like a lovely way to spend an afternoon? All these beautifully colored balloons floating around in the sky with the snow-covered Alps in the background. This is only the case if the weather cooperates, which it did not on Sunday. The weather was overcast with a few flurries. We got there in time to see them blow up a balloon and then as soon as it was inflated, they started to deflate it. Then it was over!
The real excitement came at the end of the trip as we attempted to get out of the parking lot. The road leading out of the lot had a slight hill just before you reached the main road and it was one big patch of ice. We watched as each car in front of us got stuck trying to make it up. Luckily, we parked close to the exit so we didn’t have too many cars in front of us. When it was our turn, we had enough of a running start and we made it on the first try. There was a long line of cars behind us waiting to get out. I’m glad we weren’t one of them; otherwise, Matt would have been really crabby on the drive home.
Matt sure has a way of putting things. At least you Americans were able to show those people how to drive in slippery situations.
That I can do.
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