Friday, January 9, 2009

Tres Bien Francais

I had a proud moment today on a walk with Millie. Swiss dog owners are usually pretty friendly and will talk to other dog owners. Due to my limited language skills, these conversations usually consist of me nodding a lot and smiling as I’m clueless to what they’re saying. Today we met a woman and her dog on our walk. As the dogs were busy sniffing one another, the woman and I had a very, very brief conversation in French. Basically it consisted of saying “hello” and then me answering her question (How old is your dog?). I answered with a complete sentence. Sofia, our instructor, would have been so proud. The woman then said, “Tres bien francais” which means very good French and gave me a thumbs up sign. At least I think that’s what she said! She was being very kind as my French does not sound anything like what they speak here, but it’s a step in the right direction.

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