Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beer Run

Matt and I made a beer run to Germany last Saturday. Matt said we needed more beer because I have some girlfriends visiting soon. Not sure if I completely believe that one, but okay. Our drive there was uneventful. It took a little over two hours. We went to a small town just over the Swiss border and had a nice lunch in a little village. Matt had Rinder-something or other and I had Schwein-something or other for lunch. Ah, the joys of not knowing a language. I knew my meal had something to do with pork but that’s all I knew for sure. Matt ended up with the better of the two lunches. His entrĂ©e was beef.

After lunch we headed to the Getrunkmarkt. That’s where they sell the beer. You make your own cases, so you can mix and match different kinds of beer. It’s just like the variety packs of pop that my dad used to make for me in college. Matt enjoyed himself at the Getrunkmarkt and had a hard time deciding which beers to buy. I thought it was interesting that they had a little girl about eight or nine years old running the cash register. She knew her beers, too. I guess they train them young in Deutschland. We weren’t so lucky with our drive back home. We sat in traffic for quite a while to get over the border, which was our own fault. Our GPS (we named her Brenda after Matt’s high school girlfriend) told us to go a different way but we ignored her. It took us an extra hour to get home. The lesson learned: sometimes you should listen to the old girlfriend and not the wife.

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