Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Matt and I had a wonderful time with family and friends while home in the US. Matt returned to Switzerland at the end of July, and I stayed in Minnesota for an extra week and a half. We were busy, busy while home, but it was all fun. We came back exhausted from all of the activities. Not as exhausted as Millie, though. She did not make the big trip to the US, but instead spent her time at a dog kennel near Lausanne. It was her and 20 other dogs in Monsieur Fahrni’s house. (His house!) Matt said she slept for two full days after he picked her up because she was so tired. She didn’t have the energy to even go potty. She didn’t pee for 22 hours according to a frustrated Matt after he picked her up, so he came home during his lunch hour to try to get her to pee. Twenty two hours! That’s longer than she had to hold it when she flew over to Switzerland last year!

Matt and I were very strategic about packing for the trip. We came home with almost empty suitcases so that we could stock up on supplies: spices, brown sugar, chocolate chips, press n’ seal saran wrap, taco and chili seasonings, Frank’s red hot sauce, frosting, etc. We also did quite a bit of clothes shopping. Clothes in the US were inexpensive compared to what we pay here. We were able to catch up on all of the foods we missed, too: pizza at DeMoris and Roadhouse, Mexican food, fast food, steaks, corn on the cob, hamburgers and more hamburgers.

I had a chance to meet new babies while home: Jemma’s son, Keane, Amy’s little girl, Ingrid and Anne’s little guy, Marty. I even had a chance to see our Switzerland friends, Jen and Dan, who were visiting Dan’s family in Eagle River, Wisconsin.

We had a great trip home! Matt and I are so thankful for the love and support we get from all of our family and friends.

1 comment:

Bruce Flaten said...

You forgot to mention that Matt was able to catch up on his pull tabs. :)