Monday, September 20, 2010

Blue Sky

Grandma Klenz passed away on the 5th of September. She put up a tough fight against cancer for the past year and a half. I flew home for the funeral, which was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am so glad I could be with my family as we remembered Grandma and celebrated her life. I have so many memories of her that I will always cherish.

Since I was little, I remember Grandma calling out, ‘blue sky,’ when the weather cleared up at the lake in Eagle River. After announcing this, she would then encourage us to get outside. Growing up I sometimes thought she secretly worked for the local tourist office because at times her ‘blue sky’ was just a tiny speck in an otherwise completely gray sky. Which then made me think that maybe she said this just to get us out of her hair (and house) for a while. Grandmas are entitled to a little quiet time just like everyone else and sometimes that time was hard to come by with 10+ family members in the house on cold or rainy days. But now, what I really think, is that this comment was her way of celebrating the little things in life. I think the blue sky brought her joy, even if it was only a little speck some days. On the day of the burial, there was a beautiful blue sky as we said our good-byes to her.


Sooze said...

That is wonderfully sweet, Sandra. I'm sure that is what it was, your grandma was one of those "half full" sorta ladies, I can just tell. She must be very proud of you!!

Unknown said...

Not only would she tell you to go outside she would encourage you to water ski even if it was only 50 degrees.